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THE WISDOM CAFE WITH LISA J. 6:09 PM You are a very special spirit/soul! I am wishing you much love and peace this holiday season, and everyday!?
victor chippewa You have a native heart & soul, and I am happy to call you my friend.
bob rylett Sep 23 at 8:38 AM To Marie Buchanan, M.Ps.
Thank you for sharing. I love the song! The message is always Love everyone equally. So much love to you!
Sep 23 at 8:36 AM Hello Love!
You are so very kind and full of wonderful Love. I hope you are in peace and also all those you Love!
Sep 22 at 7:11 AM
I truly appreciate your sweet heart and gentleness. I won�t answer you on youtube so I hope you get this.
Today at 9:30 AM Sept 21st, 2015
Thank you for all the kindness and Love on my videos. Your words are truly appreciated and your Love transcends the time and distance between us.
All my best and Love to you! Bob
Martin Mason 1 week ago Still mention you in prayer, still watch your videos, and still sharing your stuff where I can. All is not lost CTF, good always triumphs over evil, keep doing what you are doing, and I will keep faith. You're not a friend, you're an inspiration :) Martin
David Vose May 25, 2015
CombatForTheFaith I know you are very faithful and God loves you so much. I feel led to write this for you. Ask God in faith and keep total focus on the prize.. Give to everyone who asks you and those who need your help. More than ever before Seek his kingdom and his righteousness first, all these other things will be added. Forger your persecution for a few days and concentrate only on knowing the positive feeling of giving to others and seeing their needs. There will be a positive miracle for you SOON. God BLESS you!!!
The Story of my Life / L�Histoire de ma Vie (15 min version) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOyT44qEdajHbH2_fGKj_7yqvAnE3vtry
L�Histoire d�une Personne Cible et sa M�re (Cibles Interg�n�rationnelles) (3 hours version) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOyT44qEdajHY9o12FyHCrUM4QHGxfuu2
October 21st 2014
Thank you friend. It is nice to run across someone else out there from time to time that has taken the time to go beyond fear, which what is fear but not understanding things, and take the time to learn. You are a very good person ::HUGS:: hope to talk to you more.
John Insley
1 month ago What a beautiful person you are Combat. But I kind of knew that having followed your channel and carrying the belief that "Wisdom is a Woman". I am part native New Zealander, French, Anglo Saxon and Nordic this combination of nationalities forged via the colonisation process pre 1840. Thus I can sometimes be a bit confusing even to myself. Unfortunately NZ has the same difficulties and the hurt the maori feel for their ancestors is probing its way into their daily lives. Presently they have received and still are receiving compensation for the laws that were supposed to protect them but were violated by a new governance in England that sought to overlook them in their quest for more land to sell to the potential investors. Bless You
OccultaeVeritatis 1 year ago Today I know that demons use people to finish with those who one day will serve God, and this happens even before the person was born! So you have been persecuted in their own family, by a person who was serving demons knowingly or unknowingly, this man wanted to finish you like destroyed your mother but God saved you. The devil is defeated and certainly tries to date do everything to get you down, do not let it happen and remember all you had to overcome in the great woman who is today.
OccultaeVeritatis 1 year ago God always loves us! You are a woman of good character and very strong because it overcame all this, became a Christian and know that God is not guilty of psychopaths that appear in our lives. Many people get stronger, wiser, more compliant with other people and have more pity after passing through traumatic situations, you are one of them. God continue to bless and protect you and know that he loves you very much!
OccultaeVeritatis 1 year ago Do not ever let those thoughts of sadness back to your mind, because that's what the devil wants: you go into a low frequency, having bad memories, so he can act more easily in your life. Everything is energy and that Jesus taught us to take care with our thoughts and feelings so that demons do not come into our lives.
OccultaeVeritatis 1 year ago Do not worry girl, you've won and just need to know that love is the greatest of God who loves you and will protect you always, you are already very blessed and demons can not get more in your life in the past. God bless you!
Your life experience has not been good and that's very sad to me because you are a wonderful person and deserve so much better. You've certainly earned your angel wings dear.
NWO5b2die 20 hours ago Linked comment Dear Lady, I could not fault you in anything you said on your video. As you said, you've read and studied God's word. I heard nothing about breaking down doors or casting stones in your message. Fornication can be of the body and/or the spirit which resides within us. ANY religion which would preach or forbid a man or woman to be a child of God is Satanic. If it would be a sin against God's law, then it can be forgiven anyway. There is only ONE unforgivable sin. Adultery or fornication are NOT the sin.
David Perry 8 hours ago � AGE OF DECEIT Fallen Angels and the New World Order (Part 11) Thank You So Very Much For All These Videos!!! AWESOME Work!!! I Know That You Are A Person That Is After GOD'S Own Heart!!! YHWH Bless And Protect You And Your Family Always!!!?
01/07/14 Re: "Do NOT Call Me a Christian"
You're a remarkable person and I can easily see what Ash saw in you. You're definitely a keeper for the right man who can appreciate you for the many good qualities you have. If it happens, it will do so when you least expect it and that will make it even more special. Don't go looking for it, it will find YOU on it's destined timetable if it's meant to be. Your heart is as attractive as your looks so that shouldn't be an issue for you. You have all the bases covered, dear.
Vaticano Revelado 2 months ago Thank you for your video about Pietro Parolin, you're a lady very blessed by God, just because you have sent a video that talked about events that are being reported recently. Surely, you have the Holy Spirit of God in your life! I like to share knowledge too, this is what the Lord tells us to do:) God bless!
Seal6Sniper Re:What do you mean Re:Commenting your nice comments 09/08/13
Thank you my friend. I really enjoyed watching this one. Very moving. My heart aches, though, in hearing of your past. You never deserved that, no child does. All life is precious. It just makes me want to reach through the computer and give you a hug.
There is a pattern I have noticed. Those who walk this earth with pure hearts and angelic minds are the ones who always suffer the most. When I observe people, I can tell what is in their heart and who they are inside. You, my dear, are very angelic in nature. It comes through in spades.
I went flying this weekend as I am a licensed pilot and while I was up there I thought about you for a moment and said a little prayer that God may bless and protect you. It was just as the sun was rising over the horizon. One of the most beautiful I have seen in quite awhile as I have seen many sunrises and sunsets from up there. So my wish is that you will always be blessed and walk with angels.
Now, please clarify something for me. I had a hard time discerning the version of the Bible you were recommending. Your cute accent wouldn't allow my ears to make heads or tails of it. Thanks.
Hugs, Seal :)
SE Sweet Mary (I hope I heard your name right from your video about the nephilim psychopaths),
I'm listening to those video's concerning SE, at the 6th one right now, and I am righteously angry over what he did to you. Your heart is very giving, so Christ-like, and SE took full advantage of that. I remember some time ago when you were helping get his books more well known thru youtube, I felt something wasn't right about him, namely that he seemed to approach Christianity from the perspective of living under the law. I can't remember if I pm'ed you about it or not, but I know the thought crossed my mind. I can hear in your voice how you truly cared for him, so much so that tears are falling from my eyes right now for you. Even so, I do pray for SE to fall on his knees before Jesus, and be saved. It's a hard world we live in, and to be frank, you are one of the few people I trust. (Angers me that SE said that to you as well.). I keep a distance with most, finding safety in that, and more reliance on our Lord. Amen? I believe you are an extremely strong sister in Jesus -- the strongest one I've come across on youtube, or even in my own personal life. I know you KNOW how to take all things to Jesus, no matter how deep the heartache, because I know you KNOW Jesus bore every heartache for the entire world, and because He did, He is able to not only empathize with us, but to give us peace that surpasses the pain and sustains us:). Jesus wept ~John 11:35.. That's one of my favorite verses. We as His daughters may grow weary with tears, that's true. But I know He holds each one in a bottle... Psalm 56:8-13.
Wish you were located closer sister. We'd have coffee (if you like) and sit and talk a while. Feel my hug, sincerely, as I close for now with His love always.
Teargardens emailed on July 29th, 2013
Oh, no worries. I also appreciate your emails too. Thanks for being an island of reason, in a sea of insanity. God bless.
consciousnessofone posted a comment
Thank you For all that you do It is much appreciated