An Absolute Must see: The Return of The Once and Future King A Destiny Revealed Clinton Ortiz If it blows my mind, it most certainly will blow yours. Garanteed
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The UnHoly Trinity: Prince William, Obama and the Pope Click Here >>>>>> Rick Hodges and I differ a little. It's about who is the first and second beast but we are both in agreement that Obama is a beast and the Pope is the other beast, nevertheless, he is the one to this date who is nearest to the way I see this world myself but I must admit on this November 5th, 2013 that the 42 months of Rev. 13:5 is over because Obama is in Office since January 2009...sure Obama is a beast of Revelation but now I wonder if Mr. Hodges is right and at first glance it seems to be the case and I did battle the whole process I.e. since January 2009 wondering if Obama was the first or the second beast....
Warning. Interesting video series below titled �2012 London Olympics Nuclear False Flag to WW3 UFO Stargate FULL NEW DOCUMENTARY� but I removed the ones that are referring to the false moon Allah and his pedophile prophet Muhammad so don�t blame me for the missing parts alright and I am not a video producer so I do not know how to produce videos yet
This LIE perpetrated by this "royal" family to boldly declare that they are descendants of Jesus-Christ's union with Marie Magdalene is the MEROVINGIAN DYNASTY Prince William is a CLONE from the Shroud of Turin...look how those guys are similar: the Shroud of Turin being the blood of this alleged Christ .... the Shroud of Turin's blood is not the real blood of Jesus....since the Freemasons all around the world are looking for a MASONIC Messiah being in this Temple of Solomon.
Evidence found in the Book of Revelation SUGGESTS that the Antichrist is a demonic clone. What is particularly interesting is William really seems to be a clone of the Shroud of Turin if you compare both faces. If he is a clone, he has NO SOUL so Satan could take entire possession of the body and nobody to be in the way inside the body to cast him out. Clones do not have a soul which makes them the perfect vehicle for demonic.... Plus the Royalty in England are deeply involved in occult, in direct connection with the Dragon or the Ancient Serpent, being Knights of the Garter.
Now, here is my argument against Dr. Joye's teachings, which is clearly a FALSE teaching. "She believes that Eve bore a son, Cain, with the serpent of Eden, which produced a lineage of Satanic hybrids".
Genesis says that Adam laid with his wife and she bore a son, Cain. Then he laid with his wife and she bore a son again, Abel. Remember that God also told them to be fruitful and multiply the earth. Also, God told Noah that he would destroy mankind and beast from the face of the earth.
If you believe the bible everything died except Noah and his family. Be careful this is how cults get started. She (Dr. Joye) is saying things THAT THE BIBLE NEVER TALKS ABOUT. SHE IS FILLING THE BLANKS SO DOES SATAN. If God wanted us to know he would tell us�. In other words, Dr. Joye is PRESENTING EXACTLY what the FREEMASONS ARE BELIEVING about the HOLY GRAIL and the SECOND COMING of the MASONIC MESSIAH all around the world. This aforementioned being said, then let�s only post three videos that I liked:
10:03 ANTICHRIST IS A CLONED BEAST 9 of 9 2 years ago | by ROBINHOODSARROW Organizations like the Jewish, well established ADL, the Anti Defamation League, which purpose is to slander anybody and everyone who is trying to present the truth about Talmudic Jews.
Have you ever wondered why all those Jews were sacrificed in WW II, and why the mass executions were financed and supported by JEWISH BANKERS? How does that add up? Simply because the Talmudic Jews, whom I will expose in detail later, in their ruthlessness to control the world are willing to sacrifice even their own people if it suits their plans.
This way, the Talmudic Jews can get away with anything while letting Zionist organizations like the Anti Defamation League (ADL) work as Gatekeepers and attack those who oppose the International Talmudic Jews, whom we here also call the Illuminati.
Interestingly enough, though, the modern Jews are not even Semites, as we shall see, but descend from the Khazars, whom at one point converted to Judaism.
Who Are the Every-Day Jews and From Where Do They Originate? The Semites are, according to the highly authoritative Oxford Universal Dictionary, 1944 (p. 1838) the people belonging to the race of mankind which includes most of the peoples mentioned in Genesis 10 as descended from Shem, son of Noah, as the Arabs, Hebrews, Assyrians and Arameans, and speaking a Semitic language as their native tongue.
Most Jews in modern society have nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews of biblical times.
It is a historical fact that some 95% of modern Jewry are not of Semitic stock. They are of Turkish stock - the so-called Khazars.
"The Khazars came not from Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan, but from the Caucasus. Genetically they are more related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax that history has ever perpetrated." ^ Arthur Koestler, "The Thirteenth Tribe
Here is some quick overview of the history of the Khazars:
"The Jews of our times fall into two main divisions: Sephardim and Ashkenazim. The Sephardim are the descendants of the Jews who since antiquity have lived in Spain (Hebrew: Sepharad) until they were expelled at the end of the fifteenth century. In the 1960's, the number of Sephardim was estimated at 500,000. The Ashkenazim of Khazar Jews at the same time numbered about 11 million. ^ ibid. p. 181.
So we glean from strictly Jewish sources that the vast majority of present day Jews cannot claim to be descendants of the original Hebrews. Due to this, the term "anti-Semitism" does not refer to the modern Jews.
Benjamin Freedman, a Jew whom was on a first name basis with most of the top Zionists in the 1930's and 40's, puts his finger firmly on the true purpose behind the use of the term "anti-Semitism". He declares that
"it should be eliminated from the English language. 'Anti-Semitism' serves only one purpose today. It is used as a smear word. When so-called Jews feel that anyone opposes any of their objectives, they discredit their victims by applying the word 'anti-Semite' or 'anti-Semitic' through all the channels they have at their command and under their control". ^ Benjamin Freedman: "Facts are Facts", p. 73.
Be aware of that because the modern Jews are not of Hebrew origin, they never had and never will have a right for claiming the land of Palestine. The state of Israel is totally illegal, even if the Jews would have some Hebrew origin.
Because they hate and fight the Arabs, who really ARE of Semitic stock, whenever and wherever the can. Thus, the Arabs can be considered "anti-Khazar" or "anti-Jewish", while the Jews are the ones who are "anti-Semitic"!
George W. Bush carrying the TALMUD
Conclusion or "Who Controls the Jews?" What I am trying to say is that there are forces controlling the Jews as well, and these forces are very well hidden. What you see is just the symptom; the Jews are just the symptoms and the tool for those who are the real Rulers of Earth. Well in fact, we have a few of the key players here: THIS BOOK REVEALS SECRETS ABOUT THE JESUIT PLAN TO DOMINATE THE WORLD Records that Prince Charles (the father of Prince William of course) is....hold on to your hat...ARAB,ARMENIAN,AUSTRIAN,BELGIAN, BYZANTINE GREEK,CHINESE,CROATIAN,CUMAN ,CZECH,DANISH,DUTCH,ENGLISH,FRENCH,GEORGIAN, GERMAN,IRISH,ITALIAN, JEWISH, KHAZAR,LITHUANIAN,MONGOL,NORWEGIAN, PERSIAN,POLISH ,PORTUGUESE,ROMANIAN,RUSSIAN,SCOTTISH,SERBIAN, SPANISH,SWEDISH,UKRAINIAN and WELSH.
Source: Royal Bloodlines Run Deep I recently discovered why the two men of Revelation 13 will be beasts, it is because they don't have a soul. Obama and Prince William were man made i.e. cloned from a mommy for the first and cloned from the Shroud of Turin for the second so those two men do not have a soul. Not meaning that I am right but I really might be right....So Prince William fits the bill of being a Russian Jew i.e. Khazaria Jew and something is deadly wrong with the London Olympics for sure.... IT'S NOW ON MAINSTREAM MEDIAS ... RIK CLAY LOST HIS LIFE OVER THIS (WAS SACRIFICED)....
But our leaders in the west, as well as the Islamic world, are Satanists or children of Lucifer. The truth is that we are the people of God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, have millions of brothers around the world belonging to different religions and races. Either the person has the soul/spirit of Lucifer/fallen angels within them, or the Soul / Spirit of God in their hearts. There are no more options, and it has nothing to do with our physical bodies as far as I can tell. It is a invisible difference within us all ! 20 min, 17 seconds
What I am highlighting in yellow color is extremely interesting:
�People without the souls that God gave man, do have a heart problem, they lack that soul in their hearts�
Wikileaks is revealing all the rotten corruption of �The System� that has been going on for centuries and this is beneficial to the PTB because they need the chaos to intensify before offering their remedy. Expect more chaos. Expect glitches in the banking systems so that money becomes unavailable, expect breakdowns in services, food shortages, water shortages, security shut downs, Police and Army on the streets, etc, etc. Everything will become very ugly. The men, women and children still sucking on the nipples of �The Systems� private corporations for food, water, health, shelter, transport, communication, community, law & order, etc, will experience this �SELF� FULFILLING PROPHECY. Those who are not dependent on �The System� for food, water and shelter will be the only ones who are not brought to their knees.
All this chaos will set the scene for the Anti-Christ William (WILL- I � AM � ARTHUR � King Arthur of the Round Table � Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales) to appear like a knight in shining armour to usher in the new Version of �The System�, the system of consciousness, �oneness� and spirituality but with a new version of commerce still enslaving all of us as we live �peacefully� under the control of our alien, cosmic masters and William the Antichrist. He will wipe out all debt, provide free housing and bring in �green� policies BUT we will have to give our lives in return. We will have been so broken down that we will welcome the chance to become dependent on another artificial system instead of going back to nature that is the system of LIFE. This is the fraud; to keep us dependent rather than taking full responsibility for our lives. The Great MAN of long ago, the true Christ, was all about going back to LIFE, to nature, and living a Do No Ham LIFE because he recognised that the living word is nature because the presence of the living creator is present in nature. The AntiChrist is the opposite; he stands for maintaining the artificial system that destroys the living dream in order to maintain the dead dream of �The System�. We will talk more about how this new version of �The System� will look in our coming article �A New MAN�.
The Queen coming together with the Pope in Britain symbolises the coming together of the Protestant Church and the Catholic Church, 1000 years after the Norman conquest began the campaign to capture the whole earth. The Protestants took over some countries, the Catholics others and now they come together in preparation for William to be the symbolic head of the New World, the �Good Guy� standing before the Rule of Law which stands before the High Priests, the spell makers and the real controllers of our brains and �The System�. We will be shown up as the causes of all the problems and in �need� of our Good Shepherd William to lead us to peace and prosperity.
Peace will only come when we stop being slaves. All versions of �The System� require slavery so the only way out of slavery is to get rid of �The System� in any guise.