The Truth Ministries is a non profit, non denominational, International Evangelistic Ministries. We are funded entirely by the Good Will Gifts and offerings of those individuals who are interested and motivated in helping spread the Prophetic Word Of God and in the End Time Harvest of Souls. We are not funded, sponsored, or endowed by any foundation, group, corporation, or denomination.
The Jesus Himself, has revealed His Father's special End Times blessings that He will bestow upon all those that study, proclaim and support His End Time Message for this FINAL GENERATION. (Revelations 1:3)
Please visit Petrus Romanus The Final Pope Is Here
For Complementary information, please go to: Is Barack HUSSEIN Obama The Maitreya and First Beast?
Is Barack HUSSEIN Obama The Maitreya and First Beast? (Part 2)
Is Prince William the Second Beast ?
Is America The Economic Babylon?
Jerusalem Is Babylon
Also please visit THE TRUTH SHOP TODAY for Interesting Suggestions -
Need research services? Please contact: [email protected] Put on the subject title: Research.
Need webmaster services? Please contact: [email protected] Put on the subject title: Webmaster.
Need translation services? Please contact: [email protected] Put on the subject title: Translation. For now, I do offer professional translation of university level from English to French and from French to English. Here are a few examples of my professional translation:
More about this ministry at: About Us Statement of Faith and Mission (I need to update this soon....) (need to update my vision also...) Another way of supporting us if you do not have any money....I hate to bring this up BUT if you would like to support my work, because all things cost money and time please click on the ads of the videos At My YouTube Channels: CombatForTheFaith, marielovesashley, goddessamerika and Marie4Ashley4Ever or my website. That will throw a couple of pennies my way to help defray costs and you don't even have to buy anything and if you really like my ministry, then ask your family, friends, acquaintances to do the same.
Thank you and God Bless you.